.: minXie piXiE :.

independent minx. love ur own self. got reasons to smile, it's hard. family is priority. simple funny homo
sapiens. trust no one. number of bad habits. white is pure. roses are love. it's not easy to pleased others. mind ur own business. don't cramp the head wit trifling thingy. arts resembles the soul. linkin park sounds pleasant to the ears. love story good for the eyes and mind, always! laughter is the best medicine, trust me! but ice cream, chocolate and cheeze cake are the bestest ever medicine in the world. good listener instead of problem solver; troublemaker; no! never take things for granted. mentos; can't live without.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

hari ini

dah hari khamis dah. klas akn bermula 45 minit lg. tp ak msh di rmh, di dpn laptop n bley plak update blog. isk3. hebat!!!! =) silap aribulan ade aku n kikin x g kelas nih. ralit sngt dpn laptop. ooopppsss!!!!

arini klas straight 3jam. ades. kelas yg sejam pttnye smlm lecturer drag arini. waahhh...moga2 ak dikurniakan kecekalan n semangat yg tggi utk meghadapi kelas ni. aduh! arini kagum ngn diri sndr. bgn awl, siap awl. awl sbb jam tdo msh ckp. blom stay up lg. tggu sok luse. klas kul 11 silap2 1030 br nk mandi. kwang3. pastu cm xtau nk watpe sbb nk g klas pn msh awl, on lappy. isk4

udah2 tu baytie. bawak2 pg klas. dh kul 1030 dah. 

baik =)