.: minXie piXiE :.

independent minx. love ur own self. got reasons to smile, it's hard. family is priority. simple funny homo
sapiens. trust no one. number of bad habits. white is pure. roses are love. it's not easy to pleased others. mind ur own business. don't cramp the head wit trifling thingy. arts resembles the soul. linkin park sounds pleasant to the ears. love story good for the eyes and mind, always! laughter is the best medicine, trust me! but ice cream, chocolate and cheeze cake are the bestest ever medicine in the world. good listener instead of problem solver; troublemaker; no! never take things for granted. mentos; can't live without.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

rambut sudah panjang

erkkk. rambut sudah panjang. rase mau potong tapi.....tengok my cousin potong pendek rase macam nak buat jugak. lama yang amat aku tak potong pendek. tapi kan kalau potong pendek gitu mau my lovely mother amuk.  ^_^ 

mama bab rambut memang ade pantang larang siket. iyelaa, kite ni kan golongan wanita, rambut tu kan mahkota kita. jadinya haruslah berambut panjang. ayu gitu. hari tu potong layered pun dah kena 'sound'. tapi aku kenakan mama balik. "alah ma, rambut angah kan nampak tebal, buat layered nipis siket" isk3...derhaka sungguh. heeee....ampun mama. ^_^

tapi tu masih dalam perancangan. kalau potong pun tak buat boyish cut kot. mungkin pendek kan siket jek. mari study. ade 4 papers lagi yang mau kene cover. urghhh!!!!


Mra Mastura said...

hehehecaye rmbut pendek sbb da besyee!

angahh,letak la tmpat chat! >.<

nurbaytie kamisan said...

how??? nak letak tmpt chat?
cpt kasik tutorial...

and lg satu, cmne mau ade reply to commentors

Mra Mastura said...

chat tu, sile click pd tmpat chat org. t dy trus g website shoutmix. nk buatkan aritu tp xtau angah nye email bagai.heheh XD

kalau nk rep comentators cm mra,, jap g mra bgi link.. hehe